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Milky way in a sentence

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Sentence count:107Posted:2017-03-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: milkmilkingbuttermilksulkyilksilkanywayany wayMeaning: n. the galaxy containing the solar system; consists of millions of stars that can be seen as a diffuse band of light stretching across the night sky. 
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1. Some stars out of Milky Way outblaze the sun.
2. The Milky Way is right to the left.
3. Vela is crossed by the Milky Way, though it is not so rich as Carina.
4. The globular star clusters that surround the Milky Way also seem to come in two age groups.
5. The Milky Way cast a bright swath across the heavens.
6. The Milky Way flows through Auriga, and there are also some fine open clusters here.
7. One reason to think that the Milky Way had such a meal several billion years ago is its structure.
8. And it was tremendous, like looking at the Milky Way galaxy.
9. We can see the Milky Way System clearly.
10. Gigolo even not come, Milky Way still flicker.
11. Splendid Milky Way(, seems to come from sea mile.
12. The milky way travels through intergalactic space.
13. Explanation: From our vantage point in Milky Way Galaxy, we see NGC 6946 face - on.
14. "It is the one called 'The Milky Way, '" Dr. Thaddeus falteringly replied.
15. Yesterday's chart showed the part of our Milky Way galaxy that stretches overhead in the evening.
16. Explanation: The central region of our Milky Way Galaxy is a mysterious and complex place.
17. This band is the starlitof our own Milky Way galaxy.
18. Miss Nova runs low on fuel around the Milky Way Galaxy and has no choice but to set coordinates to the nearest inhabitable planet.
19. If Thames will explain for the Milky Way, then London's each will be around the Milky Way stars, the central region will be Tela Farr adds the square.
20. Explanation: A satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is an alluring sight in dark southern skies and the constellation Dorado.
21. Thus Zhang Qian was considered to have sailed upon the bosom of the Milky Way.
22. Of the two dozen nearest galaxies, only one - the giant spiral Andromeda - is bigger than the Milky Way.
23. Once, he chased a young girl up into the Milky Way.
24. Based on the data, the team extrapolates that at least 3.5% of all sunlike stars across the Milky Way currently harbor rocky planets.
25. Astronomers are especially keen to study star formation in the Small Magellanic Cloud, because its chemical composition is different from that of the Milky Way.
26. The Earth may exist in an underpopulated portion of the Milky Way, meaning we might not encounter another alien intelligence for a long, long time, if at all.
27. We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless " The Milky Way ".
28. NGC 7380 is located in the constellation Cepheus about 7, 000 light-years from Earth within the Milky Way Galaxy.
29. Explanation: Virgo Cluster of Galaxies is the closest cluster of galaxies to our Milky Way Galaxy.
30. The night's silence, like a deep lamp, is burning with the light of its milky way.
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